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Space Availability - Library - Bronco Learning Commons - Faculty

Bronco Learning Commons

Welcome to the
Bronco Learning Commons: A centrally located learning hub on the first floor of Albertsons Library designed to connect students to the campus support community. The goal of the Bronco Learning Commons is to provide a welcoming learning environment for all students in an easy to find and engaging space.

  • Whiteboard tables are available for all instructors and teaching assistants to hold weekly office hours and can be reserved in advance. 
  • Tables can be booked for up to 2 hours per week for 15 weeks. 

To help assess the impact of the Bronco Learning Commons, all instructors who use the space will be required to update a pre-built data log with weekly student attendance for office hours.  Attendance data logs will be managed by Advising and Academic Support Center staff and shared with each instructor individually. All data will be aggregated and used for internal assessment purposes only.  

Once you have scheduled a table and agreed to collect attendance data, an attendance log will be created for your course with a fully updated roster. Instructors will simply need to select the date of their office hours in each column and enter a ‘1’ for students who attend.

To make weekly appointments, use the "Go To Date" button" to select the date and then select the time.  Before submitting, check to make sure you have all of the dates that you would like to book.

Questions: Please email for more information.

   Available    Your Booking    Unavailable/Padding